Goulburn Agricultural, Pastoral and Horticultural Society Incorporated

Next Goulburn Show
1st and 2nd March 2025

Contact Show Office
Office Hours: Monday 2pm-4pm

Find us on Facebook
Gate 2
Braidwood Road
Pedestrian entry ONLY
Entry for woodchop and display vehicles ONLY 
Gate opens at 6am and closes at 8.30am (use Gate 8 Bungonia Road after this time for all parking)
EFTPOS available for entry tickets
Gate 4
Braidwood Road
Pedestrian entry ONLY
Accessible drop off and pick up point 
Free Shuttle Bus pickup and drop off (to and from the Goulburn Workers Club carpark Mckell Place from 9am each day)
EFTPOS available for entry tickets
Gate 6
Braidwood Road
Pedestrian entry ONLY
Entry for sheep, alpacas, angora goats, boer goats, miniature goats, cattle, and trade display vehicles for unloading. 
ALL vehicles are to move to designated parking area by 8.30am (use Gate 8 Bungonia Road after this time for all parking)
EFTPOS available for entry tickets
Gate 8
Bungonia Road
Disabled and accessibility parking
General parking
Entry for all Dog events - Dog Breed Show, Dock Dogs, Dog High Jump, Fly Ball
Entry for all Horse events
Entry for all Poultry
EFTPOS available for entry tickets
Free park and ride bus runs hourly between Goulburn Workers Club and the Goulburn Show Once again we are happy to let you know that we have a free bus running to and from the Show over the weeken 2